Third Party Costs: Who Pays?
CBM LLP, Alberta, June 25, 2024 – As a general rule, a successful party to litigation will be entitled to costs payable by the unsuccessful party. In cases where there are only plaintiff(s) and defendant(s), costs are relatively straightforward and follow the default rule: the unsuccessful party pays costs of the successful party. The principle behind costs awards is logical: a successful... -
Webinar recordings
Damage Awards Jeopardy – Chronic Pain and Psychological Damages Claims
Blaney McMurtry LLP, CBM LLP, Donati Maisonneuve, Fillmore Riley LLP, Lindsay LLP, Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, June 14, 2024 – Our panel of RMC lawyers from across Canada explore how damage awards for chronic pain and psychological injuries are treated in different jurisdictions. During the webinar, panelists present five recent case examples from the Courts. Each case will conclude with a discussion on how other jurisdiction would likely treat a claim with similar facts. ... -
CBM LLP, Alberta, February 21, 2024 – In Forsyth v LC, 2024 ABCA 14, CBM Lawyers’ Damian Shepherd successful represented two former government Ministers in their appeal of a lower court ruling requiring them to attend Questioning in a class action. The action was tort litigation against the Crown. Read More
Webinar recordings
Mind the Gap – When Is the Insurer Not Liable? – Webinar Recording
CBM LLP, Fillmore Riley LLP, Kelly Santini LLP, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario, February 01, 2024 – Insurance claims may start out on a claims handler’s desk, but that doesn’t mean the insurer is necessarily liable. In this YRMC webinar for new claims handlers and adjusters, our panel provide an introduction to three different but common scenarios where the insurer is not financially responsible for covering the loss. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD...