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Future Care Costs for Cannabis in Personal Injury Claims

June 25, 2019

As a result of the Cannabis Act, cannabis was legalized on October 17, 2018. Prior to that, cannabis was regulated under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. There was, however, a legal exemption for the medical use of cannabis. Despite the recent legalization of cannabis, a framework for access to cannabis for medical purposes still exists, but under new regulations passed under the authority of the Cannabis Act.

The use of cannabis for medical purposes, while gaining acceptance, remains controversial. This controversy is evident in the case law reviewed.

This article will examine how courts have responded to claims for cannabis, as an element of future care costs, in personal injury cases. These claims have occurred against a background of significant change with regards to the acceptance of cannabis, both medically and recreationally.

Click below to download the complete article.

Cox & Palmer – Future Care Costs for Cannabis in Personal Injury Claims.

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