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28 RMC Lawyers Named Best Lawyers in Canada® in Insurance Law

September 13, 2012

Best Lawyers is based on a comprehensive, confidential survey of clients and lawyers practitioners across Canada, and lawyers are not permitted to pay a fee to participate or be listed.  Congratulations  to:

Michael E. Bowlin, Cox & Palmer, Fredericton
Gregory A. Cann QC, Cox & Palmer, Charlottetown
Sandra R. Chaytor QC, Cox & Palmer, St. John’s
Thomas P. Donovan QC, Cox & Palmer, Halifax
Michael E. Dunphy QC, Cox & Palmer, Hailifax
Douglas A.M. Evans QC, Cox & Palmer, St John
David T. Hashey QC, Cox & Palmer, Fredericton
Steven J. May, Cox & Palmer, St. John’s
Thomas J. O’Reilly QC, Cox & Palmer, St. John’s
Michael S. Ryan QC, Cox & Palmer, Halifax
Jade Spalding, Cox & Palmer, Fredericton
Dominic T. Clarke, Blaney McMurtry LLP, Toronto
Mark G. Lichty, Blaney McMurtry LLP, Toronto
Marcus B. Snowden, Blaney McMurtry LLP, Toronto
Stuart J. Blake, Fillmore Riley LLP, Winnipeg
Bernice R. Bowley, Fillmore Riley LLP, Winnipeg
Robert D. McDonald, Fillmore Riley LLP, Winnipeg
Charles Sherbo, Fillmore Riley LLP, Winnipeg
Richard B. Lindsay QC. Lindsay LLP, Vancouver
Pierre Donati, Donati Maisonneuve, Montreal
René Vallerand, Donati Maisonneuve, Montreal
Brad D. Hunter, McKercher LLP. Regina
David E. Thera, McKercher LLP, Regina
Gregory A. Thompson QC, McKercher LLP, Saskatoon
Geneviève Cotnam, Stein Monast LLP, Quebec City
Jacques LeMay, Stein Monast LLP, Quebec City
Claude Ouellet, Stein Monast LLP, Quebec City
Henri Renault, Stein Monast LLP, Quebec City

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