Event Location : Winnipeg, Manitoba
Risk Management Counsel of Canada (RMC) held their regional seminar in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on September 20, 2007.
Over 75 people attended an afternoon seminar entitled: Insurance Today and Legal Trends at the Fairmont Winnipeg Hotel.
Seminar Panellists and Topics presented included:
Stuart J. Blake, Insurance Law Partner, Fillmore Riley LLP – “Social Host Liability”
Dr. Russ Brown, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Alberta – “Cause-in-Fact: It is still bad news for insurers””
Bernice R. Bowley, Insurance Law Partner, Fillmore Riley LLP – “General Damages Primer for Manitoba”
David Thera, Insurance Law Partner, McKercher McKercher & Whitmore LLP – “Y3K: The End is at Hand – this Time for Sure”
Larry Reimer, Insurance Law Partner, Blaney McMurtry LLP – “There is Something in the Water: Product Liability and the Year in Review”
Following the seminar, participants were invited to a cocktail reception.